What is RECP?

Cleaner Production (CP) - is a concept, developed by the United Nations Program for Environment (UNEP) in 1989. The key idea of cleaner production consists is that industrial processes and functions can be improved so as not only to reduce the amount of waste and reduce environmental pollution, but also to store and / or generate additional revenue for the company by saving resources.

The purpose of methods, technologies and systems of Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) is to avoid pollution of the environment by reducing the use of resources and raw materials as much as possible.
This means that it is possible to ensure that a higher percentage of feedstock converted to products rather than to waste.
To identify such opportunities it is required a systematic and detailed analysis of the technological processes and technological equipment in the production - technical and environmental audit / evaluation.
Demonstration program of UNIDO RECP in the Republic of Belarus provides a full-scale as possible, evaluation of effective usage for production purposes of various kinds of material and energy resources, and also provides with the environmental impact of enterprises participating in the program in order to increase resource efficiency and organizing of cleaner production.
Evaluation of resource efficiency and opportunities for the organization of cleaner production is carried out using international methodologies (Manual on cleaner production of UNIDO) , as well as developed on the basis of their National guidelines on the program of resource efficient and cleaner production in the Republic of Belarus and includes:
- Collecting of basic data on the use of raw materials plant, materials, fuel, energy, water consumption, waste generation, for air emissions;
- Analysis and processing of data on the flows of raw materials and energy, the composition of the material and energy balances of individual production processes of the enterprise;
- Identification of places and sources of inefficient use of raw materials, energy, waste generation and analysis of the root causes of this;
- Evaluation the feasibility of cleaner production methods in the field of inefficient use of raw materials, energy and waste;
- Technical-economic and environmental evaluation of options for increasing resource efficiency and cleaner production;
- Making the report on the assessment conducted with recommendations for the implementation options for efficient use of resources and cleaner production;
- Evaluation of the possibility of achieving the recommended options for increasing resource efficiency and cleaner production, including an assessment of the key indicators of resource and key indicators of environmental impact.
Methodology of RECP based on the following principles:
The benefits from the implementation of RECP:
- Effective use of natural resources, including resources material (raw material), water and energy;
- The minimization of waste, emissions to air and discharges to water bodies;
- Reduction of risks to humans and the environment from the use and disposal of chemicals used in the production;
- Improvement of economic performance by enhancing environmental efficiency of the enterprise.
Loss - is always loss no matter how to call them: take the opportunity to reduce losses and increase profits!