RECP implementation methods

During the project, the team of national experts fulfills the following tasks at the enterprise:

  • Introducing the enterprise’s representatives to the principles of RECP assessment and its methods;
  • Leading a group of specialists, created at the enterprise to collect, analyze and interpret data on material and energy flows and technologies used, as well as to make energy and material balances;
  • Suggesting RECP options based on the assessment of materials use and material and energy balances;
  • Conducting technical, economic and ecological assessment of the proposed RECP options;
  • Drawing up a report on the results of the conducted audit, together with practical recommendations on RECP options implementation at the enterprise;
  • Rendering help in implementing the proposed RECP options.

According to the terms of the Agreement, signed by the enterprises participating in the Demonstration programme, all the data collected during the project realization, is regarded as confidential.

The funding of the Programme is covered by the European Commission.

Training sessions on RESP for the enterprises' specialists

Project implementation at the enterprises implies introducing the enterprise’s specialists to the aims and objectives of resource efficient and cleaner production and training them to organize more efficient use of resources, materials and energy and minimize the impact on the environment. For this purpose, training sessions and extensive consultations for the specialists are conducted at the enterprises.