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In the framework of demonstration program of UNIDO "Improving Resource Efficient potential and Cleaner Production at enterprises of the Republic of Belarus" training in innovative clubsis organized, including a cycle of 6 studied topics for specialists of enterprises engaged in the issues of environmental protection and rational use of resources, materials and technologies, energy efficiency and energy conservation, waste handling.

The purpose of training seminars is to improve the skills and competence of professionals for better accounting and using of resources, finding ways, the introduction of advanced technical solutions - important components of business economics.

In 2015, in the framework of the Programm two clubs started its work (in Minsk and Vileika).

Minsk club gathered participants from the following companies:

  1. Confectionary factory Kommunarka
  2. JSC Keramin
  3. OJSC Olivaria Brewery
  4. UE Agrokombinat Zhdanovichi
  5. Road construction authority № 12 JSC"DST № 5"
  6. JSC Minskzhelezobeton
  7. JSC Minsk Margarine Plant
  8. Belarus Road Research Institute "BelDorNII"
  9. OJSC "SNA Europe
  10. BelNII "Transtehnika"
  12. CJSC "VITEX"
  13. JSC "Medical Technologies"

In Vileika club there are representatives from the following companies:

  1. Vileika housing and communal administration
  2. Road construction authority №13 JSC "DST № 5"
  3. JSC Stroidetali
  4. Vileika Feed Milling Plant
  5. Road construction authority № 162
  6. Vileika of Molodechno Milk
  7. Vileika Bakery Plant

Meetings of club members are organized on the basis of:

Minsk - School of Business and Management of Technology of BSU (SBMT BSU) Minsk, Moskovskaya str,15-56.

Vileika – Vileyka housing and communal administration Vileyka, Krasnoarmejskaya str.84 (Assembly Hall).
