The first phase of training for the third set of candidates for the role of national experts
(17-18 May 2016)

17-18 May at School of Business and Management of Technology of BSU the first phase of training for the third set of candidates for the role of national experts on Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production was held. Seminar was conducted by an international expert, Dr. Johannes Fresner, director Stenum GmbH in Graz, Austria.
Eleven candidates for the experts took part in the training.

In the first part of the seminar six theoretical modules, supported by numerous discussions and exercises, were presented to the students for the group work.
- Module 1: Concept, application practice and benefit from the implementation of the programs for resource efficiency and cleaner production at the enterprises.
- Module 2: Indicators of the enterprise work and the impact on the environment.
- Module 3. Methodology of evaluation of resource efficiency and cleaner production by UNIDO.
- Module 4. The RE/CP project realization at the enterprise and team building to complete the project.
- Module 5. Organization and holding a preliminary analysis of the enterprise work for the RE/CP project. Primary audit report compilation.
- Module 6. Material and energy balance of the enterprise as a focus for the study and the establishing the RE/CP project.
Special attention at the seminar was allocated to the food, chemical and construction industries.