The National Action Plan for the development of green economy in Belarus until 2020 was approved December 21, 2016

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Resolution of the Council of Ministers №1061, December 21, 2016, approved the National Action Plan for the development of “green” economy in Belarus until 2020. The strategic objective of the plan is to improve the quality of life based on the growing competitiveness of economy, attraction of investments and innovation development.

"Taking into account national specificities and global challenges the state defines the "green" economy as a strategic priority. The result of the implementation of the plan is a gradual transformation of the national economy based on the implementation of the principles of "green" economy and achieving the goals of sustainable development and harmonization of economic, environmental and social interests," the resolution states.

The primary objective of the first phase of the strategy implementation (2016-2020) is the transition to a high-quality balanced growth of the economy, taking into account the implementation of the principles of green economy, the priority development of high-tech industries, which will become the basis for the improvement of the country's competitiveness and quality of life.

Appendix 1 to the National Action Plan contains a list of specific actions, bodies responsible for their implementation, and deadlines. The demonstration phase of the project of the international technical assistance program of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) on Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) was further reflected in the item "Sustainable consumption and production", which includes two main activities:

  • Establishment of Center for Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production.
  • Encourage the establishment of major industrial districts clubs on Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production.
