Forum on Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production in Brest.
(November 27, 2015)

November 27, 2015 in Brest Regional Committee of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection a public forum on the topic "Better Enterprises- Cleaner Environment -" Green Economy " was held.
The forum was organized by representatives of the Demonstration Programm on Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production UNIDO in Belarus, with the active participation and assistance of Brest Regional Committee of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection.
The forum was attended by heads and specialists of industrial enterprises and organizations of Brest and the region, the staff of the Brest Regional Committee of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection.
Sergey Shylinchuk - Deputy Chairman of the Brest Regional Committee of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection made a welcoming speech to the participants of the forum and noted that for Belarusian companies it is time to work on the principles of resource efficiency and "green economy", i.e. to avoid environmental pollution by reducing the use of resources and raw materials, as far as possible, that is the main goal of resource efficient and cleaner production program (RECP).
Siarhei Darozhka - a national coordinator of the UNIDO Programm on Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) in Belarus, added the indicated targets of RECP program and presented to the forum participants developed National guidelines on the program of resource efficient and cleaner production in the Republic of Belarus - RECP, which reflects the main components of the program, which are 6 groups (raw materials, water, energy, waste, waste water, emissions). 8 basic techniques of the program resource efficient and cleaner production (RECP) at the enterprise and methodology for assessing the effectiveness of its work. (RECP program Brochure download)
Sergey Mychko – Head of the Brest Regional Committee of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection spoke to the forum participants with a report on some of the issues of cross-border movement of waste, the need to reduce waste generation at industrial enterprises of the region and looking for ways to further processing and use of existing waste facilities.
Irina Pekur - a national expert on training described the self-realization of the RECP program at enterprises with the participation of experts of the enterprise in the regional clubs for resource efficiency and cleaner production.
During the forum on the practical examples of enterprises in Belarus successful experience of the UNIDO Programme on Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) was demonstrated.