Forum on Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production in Grodno.

On February 18, 2016 in the Grodno regional committee of natu ral resources and environmental protections the open forum on a subject"Better Enterprises- Cleaner Environment -" Green Economy "has taken place.
The forum has been organized by representatives of the Demonstration program of Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production of UNIDO in Belarus with active participation and assistance of the Grodno regional committee of natural resources and environmental protection.

More than 30 representatives of the industrial enterprises and the organizations of Grodno and Grodno region have taken part in work of the Forum.
Opening of the Forum, presentation of the Demonstration Program on Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production belonged to the Vice-chairman of the Grodno regional committee of natural resources and environmental protection Svetlana I. Dmitriyeva.
Siarhei Darozhka is a national coordinator of the UNIDO program on Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) in Belarus has told participants about the RECP Demonstration program, terms and objects of her realization in Belarus.
National experts Irina Pekur and Dmitri Konik have presented the developed National RECP Primeraccording to the program.
During a meeting there has taken place brisk discussion in the friendly atmosphere with participants of a forum about a possibility of implementation of the RECP program at the enterprises of the Grodno region.