Forum on Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production in Minsk.

On December 3, 2015 in Minsk, with the active participation and assistance of the Minsk Regional Committee of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection a public forum of the industrial enterprises of Minsk and Minsk region was held on the topic:" Better Enterprises- Cleaner Environment - Green Economy ".
The main purpose of the forum is to disseminate information about the demonstration program Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production in Belarus, creation of favorable conditions for the involvement of a greater number of industrial enterprises in the program RECP, establishing close cooperation between industry, the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Environment and public authorities.

A welcoming speech to the participants at the beginning of the forum was acted by a representative of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Alexander Andreev, who thanked the forum participants for their participation and expressed his commitment to further close co-operation of governments and companies to develop the principles of "Green economy" in particular, Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP).
Then, after the warm words of welcome the national coordinator of the UNIDO Programme on Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) in Belarus Siarhei Darozhka presented to the forum participants the main goals and objectives of the program. The main goal of Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) is the need to prevent environmental pollution by reducing the use of resources and raw materials as much as possible.
It is necessary to ensure that a higher percentage of raw materials converts to products rather than to waste. The forum participants were presented a (National guidelines on the program of resource efficient and cleaner production in the Republic of Belarus , which reflects the main components of the program, which are working with 6 groups (raw materials, water, energy, waste, waste water, emissions) . 8 basic methods of realization of the program Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) in enterprises and methodology for assessing the effectiveness of its work are shown. (RECP program Brochure download) Possibilities of implementation of the RECP program in enterprises as involving a team of national experts and their own participation in regional clubs for Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production.
The representative of the integrated use of water resources of the Central Institute Vladimir Kornilov told the forum participants about the advanced technologies for reducing water consumption in industry and the peculiarities of national legislation in the field of water management.
During the forum on the practical examples of enterprises in Belarus successful experience of the UNIDO Programme on Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) was demonstrated.