30 September-2 October 2020 в The National Center for Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production at the Institute of Business of the Belarusian State University underwent a training course to prepare experts on Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP).
The training is organized within the framework of the European Union-funded project “Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production: New Opportunities for Growth” in the Republic of Belarus of the European Union for the Environment (EU4Environment) program, implemented by the United Nations specialized agency for industrial development (UNIDO).
This stage of the training is part of the general training program for experts in resource efficient and cleaner production. The second stage will take place in November 2020. The training program is based on obtaining theoretical and practical knowledge. The training is carried out according to the international UNIDO methodology.
The training participants who successfully completed the training will be involved in conducting resource efficiency audits at enterprises of the Republic of Belarus within the framework of the project.
«The information considered at the training, the topics raised allow us to look at everyday things in production from a new angle ", Irina, head of the bureau of the PEK, JSC MZKT
«All liked it! Speakers are experts in their field! It was very interesting to listen to! I am glad that there are such trainings, programs that open up new opportunities, and most importantly, broaden the horizons and activate the parts of the brain that are responsible for creativity! ", Irina, leading specialist (ecologist) of the State Enterprise" Belarustorg "
“I have received convincing evidence of the need to use RECP at the enterprise, which can really lead to a decrease in economic costs, an increase in safety,” Vasily, Lead Engineer for HS, SZAO Agrokombinat Kolos
“The training was very helpful. Especially practical positioning of the methodology - eco cards, balances, production cycles ", Dmitry, certification engineer BelStandartCentre LLC
“This training changes the whole approach to the organization of production. This is new for me ", Evgeniy, head of the energy section of the state enterprise" Koditerskaya factory "Vitba"
“For me, there were new techniques and methods for assessing RECP at enterprises. Including practical training of skills using tasks. Root causes in the form of a “fish skeleton” are a very useful way to identify and present them ”, Valentina, Head of the Food Department, RUE“ SPC NAS of Belarus for Food ”
“This is a new system for training specialists, which is not yet used in other educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus”, Svetlana, Leading Environmental Engineer, EcoPiroliz LLC