Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production Center in the Republic of Belarus

BLR EN RU As part of the implementation in the Republic of Belarus of the European Union-funded project, “Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production: New Opportunities for Growth” the European Union for the Environment (EU4Environment) program, implemented by the United Nations Specialized Agency for Industrial Development (UNIDO), head of the Center for Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production under BSU Institute of Business Siarhei Darozhka met with the Head of the Administration of the FEZ “Minsk” Dmitry Rudchenko. During the meeting, the prospects of mutual cooperation were discussed in terms of testing approaches to the introduction of elements of an eco-industrial park in the conditions of individual industrial sections of the Minsk free economic zone. The possibility of joint implementation of a number of measures was considered, in particular, on assessing the resource efficiency of production of enterprises resident in FEZs through technical audits, identifying and justifying promising projects of industrial symbiosis (efficient use of waste from some enterprises by others), informing enterprises about modern approaches to creating closed production cycles and improving the efficiency of the use of production resources, training of specialists of resident enterprises in modern methods of assessing resource consumption, etc.

As part of the implementation of the Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production: New Growth Opportunities component of the European Union for the Environment (EU4Environment) program funded by the European Union, it is planned to prepare recommendations on creating an eco-industrial park using 2-3 industrial sites as an example Free economic zones operating in the republic with the methodological support of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).

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